Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Giorgio Aquino

When I started, ~20y ago, the world wide web was made up by tables and flash intros.
Over the years I upgraded my knowledge following the debate and searching for the right tool for each project.

I'm focused on front-end, problem solving and tooling.
I love develop web apps using modern stacks placing the user at the center of UI/UX.

+39 328 4226457
[email protected]
Birth Date:
February 1979

Work experience

Senior Front-end Developer

from Apr 2022
Bologna (Italy)
  • typescript
  • c#
  • .net core
  • storybook
  • jest
  • webpack
  • azure devops
  • react
  • design system
  • npm

Lead Frontend activities, maintain and improve web applications.

  • Migrate legacy code to ES Modules using webpack bundler
  • Enable unit test in frontend applications using Jest
  • Introduce design system tokens working with the design team
  • Start using React components inside legacy code to add new functionality and rewrite core features
  • Use Storybook as a sandbox for all new features, using interactive testing
  • Enhance CI pipeline to add quality gateways for frontend code
  • Publish NPM packages to internal artifactory to share design styles across projects, using different frameworks (React, Angular, Sencha)
  • Enable Module Federation pattern (using Webpack) to integrate external webapps inside the main one, sharing a SDK with exposed components and methods

Senior Front-end Developer

YOOX Net-A-Porter Group
from May 2020 to Apr 2022
Bologna (Italy)
  • typescript
  • web components
  • c#
  • .net core
  • cypress
  • jest
  • webpack
  • rollup
  • jenkins

Develop and release ecommerce platform solutions for 30+ shop website

  • Update legacy front-end platform to last packages version for performance and secutiry issue
  • Migrate karma test runner to qunit node cli version to speedup testing across all packages
  • Convert AMD module basecode to ES6 module
  • Integrate SonarQube static analysis tool into CI
  • Develop from scratch a customer care area, using web components and distributing it as package across several web stores

Tech Lead & Senior Full Stack Developer

Abstract s.r.l.
from April 2019 to May 2020
Bologna (Italy)
  • react
  • typescript
  • redux
  • nodejs
  • lerna
  • npm
  • vuejs
  • tailwind
  • 11ty
  • gitlab

Lead and manage front-end team to develop ecommerce web applications.

  • Create react component packages library using lerna monorepo and typescript. Use private npm registry for publish and release across several ecommerce web applications.
  • Created frontend components using vuejs to migrate ecommerce from jquery
  • Manage kiosk shell aplication using electron

Senior Front-end Developer

UberResearch GmbH
from September 2018 to April 2019
  • react
  • python
  • styled components
  • storybook

Development and maintenance of the web applications

  • Migrate web application from jquery to react
  • Added storybook to development process for develop and test components in isolation
  • Migrate from AVA test runner to Jest

Senior Front-end Developer

Axel Technology
from March 2018 to September 2018
Anzola dell'Emilia (Italy)
  • react
  • graphql
  • websockets
  • php
  • c#
  • ant design

Lead and manage web technologies. Design and develop web applications for embedded systems and broadcast infrastructures.

  • Create an embedded web application to manage audio mixer using nodejs, react and websockets

Tech Lead and Senior Front-end Developer

YOOX Net-A-Porter Group
from December 2015 to March 2018
Bologna (Italy)
  • jquery
  • nodejs
  • sass
  • gulp
  • grunt
  • react
  • gatsbyjs
  • electron
  • angularjs
  • c#

Coordinate the tech team for the development and maintenance of websites for YOOX Net-A-Porter GROUP’s partners. Define technology choices and share knowledge across team members.

  • Build a tool to develop and preview email template using platform api
  • Created functional test suite using nightwatchjs to test feature and regression on several ecommerce website
  • Migrate legacy website using gatsbyjs to improve ux
  • Update build pipeline from gruntjs to webpack
  • Created internal tool to browser platform api using electron
  • Teach about web technology to high school students to project and develop PWA application using React and Firebase
  • Developed a npm package (gulp-sass-partials-imported) with ~500 download/week

Senior Front-end Developer

from July 2014 to December 2015
Bologna (Italy)

Development and maintenance of websites for YOOX GROUP’s partners

Senior Full Stack Web Developer

Sartoria Comunicazione
from February 2001 to July 2014
Modena (Italy)
  • php
  • wordpress
  • mysql
  • codeigniter
  • laravel
  • jquery
  • flash
  • adobe air

Head of Web / Digital - Senior Full Stack Web Developer
Head of web / digital for the creation and development of web and digital projects in general. Coordination of work within the department and supervision and implementation of the frontend and backend programming projects.
Head of the IT infrastructure.

  • Managed serverals website using wordpress or custom implementation
  • Created internal tool to plan and manage company projects, human resources and digital assets

Web Developer

from January 2000 to February 2001
Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy)

Development and maintenance of websites.

Web Developer

Media Logic S.r.l
from March 1999 to September 1999
Scandiano (Italy)

Development and maintenance of websites and interactive CD-ROM.



Workshop Node.js

Development of a fully functional web application that uses NodeJS and AngularJS. The workshop aims to showcase how to work with the latest technology stack, we’ll explore methodologies, testing techniques, tips and tricks and some nice HTML5 features, such as websockets, in a real life working application.


Maturità con indirizzo di grafica
Diploma di Grafica Pubblicitaria e Arte della Fotografia

Istituti D’Arte A. Venturi di Modena


Native or bilingual proficiency
Professional working proficiency


Personal website